Full list of keyboard shortcuts in One Photo Viewer
Ctrl+1 -> Toolbar (show/hide), Pro version only
Ctrl+2 -> Thumbnail panel (show/hide), Pro version only
Ctrl+3 -> Always auto hide thumbnails, Pro version only
Right/Left arrow -> Next/Previuse image
Up/Down arrow -> Zoom in/out (smoother then +/- keys)
Ctrl + Up/Down arrow -> Zoom 100% / Zoom to fit window
+/- -> Zoom in/out (step by step)
0 -> Switch Zoom 100% / fit window
E -> Switch zoom 100% / fit window
W,A,S,D -> Move image inside window
F/R -> Next/Previuse image (forward/reverse)
Space -> Start slideshow
Ctrl+C -> Copy (image or selection)
Ctrl+V-> Paste image
Ctrl+X -> Cut selected area
Ctrl+Z -> Reset image
Ctrl+A -> Select all, select crop area full window
Enter -> Crop selection
Esc -> Hide crop tool, exit fullscreen. Or Exit app if exit_by_escape is set True in config file.
Ctrl+O -> Open
Ctrl or Shift at open or drag/drop-> Append images
Ctrl+S -> Save image or selection
AltGr+S or Ctrl+Alt+S -> Save as, image or selection
Ctrl+Shift+S -> Save as, and remove image metadata
Ctrl+B -> Use as wallpaper, image or selection
Delete -> Move image to Recycle Bin, or delete selection
Shift+Delete -> Delete image permanently
Ctrl+P -> Print
Ctrl+Left/Right -> Rotate image left/right
Ctrl+Mouse back/forward button -> Rotate image left/right
Ctrl+R -> Redo rezise
Ctrl+Q/W -> Reset/Redo color adjustment
Ctrl+M -> Macro script editor for batch processing
Ctrl+D ->Image description, show/hide
Ctrl+G -> Make GIF animation of loaded images
Ctrl+I -> (experimental) Show image metadata blob
Ctrl+N -> (experimental) Noise reduction
F1 -> Help window
F2 -> Show config file
Ctrl+F2 -> Open config folder
F3 -> Switch move/zoom entire window or only image inside (default)
Shift+Mouse click/drag or Mouse wheel -> Toggle mouse zoom and move window behavior (inverse F3 behavior)
F4 -> Always on top switch
F5 -> Refresh image from file
F6 -> Black background
Ctrl+F6 -> Dark window theme
F7 -> White background
Ctrl+F7 -> Light window theme
F8 -> Transparent background
Ctrl+F8 -> Transparent background that also is click through (resets at restart)
F9 -> Start slideshow
F10 -> Stop slideshow
F11 -> Fullscreen
F12 -> Change border style (Solid window / Minimal / Auto hide)
Ctrl+Resize -> Hold Ctrl while resizing window to preserve aspect ratio
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Mouse click/drag -> Change the background color to the color beneath the mouse
Ctrl+Shift+Mouse click/drag -> Eraser tool. Set square beneath mouse to background color
Ctrl+Shift+Mouse wheel -> Change eraser tool size
Ctrl+Alt+Mouse click/drag -> Erase a color. Set the color beneath mouse to background color in entire image